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HIV Services

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With its roots in serving the HIV positive and LGBTQ+ communities, METRO is proud to provide inclusive community health services for over 25 years, no judgement and stigma-free. Today, METRO offers HIV medical treatment, free testing, case management and prevention services.

With HIV & Primary Care, together, METRO offers convenience, cutting-edge treatment and a holistic approach to your health.

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Our specialists offer three types of advanced testing, at no cost. Ask about rapid testing, with results in about a minute.

Learn About HIV Testing >

PrEP is a daily pill that can lower an individual’s potential for contracting HIV by up to 99%. Schedule an appointment to get started in under 60 mins.

PrEP in under 60 min

Medical Case Managers can connect you to medications, insurance assistance, housing assistance, food pantries, and other programs.

Is Case Management for Me? >

Our social and educational programs create space to discuss sexual health & prevention, living with HIV, sexuality and culture, and more.

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Find over 100 programs and services across four Tampa Bay locations and TeleHealth. Learn about the patient experience at Metro Inclusive Health.

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